Natural Hair Journey

I have been on my natural hair journey since February 2018. When I say natural hair journey, I mean I have slowly been transitioning to my natural curl pattern after relaxing my hair for YEARS. I’m talking a solid 20 years of chemically altering my curl pattern to make it easier to manage. Before I was ready to do the big (or medium) chop, I wanted to grow at least 10-12 inches of hair that I would be comfortable with. Because let’s be real a major hair change can be scary, but also very exciting.

For anyone who has transitioned or is in the process of transitioning, knows the challenge of going through this journey. It takes an incredible amount of patience, time, experimenting, and a rollercoaster of emotions to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You might ask, “Why even start to relax in the first place?” Well the truth is, when I was a child it was just so much easier to relax my hair than to not. Once it was relaxed, it was easier to wash, detangle, and style. I didn’t have to sit on the floor for hours getting my hair combed.

After hopping on the relaxer train, I was loving the low(er) maintenance of it all. I continued to relax my hair all throughout my teens and into my twenties. My roots laid flat and I loved it! I could workout and not worry about my roots puffing up. I could go swimming and not worry about how my frizzy hair was gonna get. But with all the happiness relaxer brought me, I also knew it wasn’t the healthiest process. And I would forever wonder what the hell my natural curl pattern actually looked like.

hair journey

12 months of growth

hair journey

March 20, 2019 VS June 1, 2019


There have been numerous moments of telling my mom, “I’m going to stop relaxing my hair! I want to see what my natural hair looks like.” Knowing how dreadful the process would be, I could never fully commit to the change. This back and forth battle with myself went on for yeaaars, until February 2018. When I was mentally ready to grab the bull by the horns and just stop the relaxing to begin my hair journey.

The first few months were difficult for me. I was being introduced to this hair I had never seen before. As months went on I started experimenting with protective styles, as you might have noticed. Braids, braid outs, crochet hair, and flexi rods have worked enormous wonders for me. I stepped up my deep conditioner game (applying at least once a week) and started cutting off more length every time I got a trim.

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What the problem is? #tuesday

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A whole year of transitioning had passed, and I was blown away at how much my hair grew in a year! I was damn near the 12 inch mark (my goal, remember?) and I started thinking about booking an appointment for the big (medium) chop. I stumbled upon @curlyhairdaze on my IG feed and fell in love with her curly hair expertise. Check her out below!

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This month marks the one year anniversary of the opening of The Daze Studio! I am beyond grateful to all of you that have loved and supported me through this journey! It’s been a pleasure to meet and work with so many amazing people, and to be part of the curly journeys of so many from around the world! THANK YOU!! ? * After returning two years ago from my hiatus from the beauty industry, I was so happy to return and see that a growing naturally curly community had emerged. Back in the late 90s, when I was cutting curly hair, there wasn’t a huge curly support system that existed like it does now. I can relate to many of the issues and struggles that curlies have with their hair. In the past, I wore my hair naturally curly and it was often met with a lot of negativity (swipe to see me in 1991!). I’ve also had health issues and lost hair because of it. So when many of you explain your curly hair issues with me, I feel that I’m, in a way, lookin at a reflection of myself. While you are in my chair, your hair, is my hair?. I’m going to do everything I can to get your curls healthy and looking fabulous like I would my own! * I’m also very passionate about sharing what I’ve learned and I have developed techniques that I’m sharing with stylists through educational classes in salons as well as hair shows internationally! * Thanks again to you ALL and can’t wait to see what the next year brings! * Featuring: @curlyhairdaze (Me) Cut By: @curlyhairdaze (Me) ? ?: @ap.ammala Mua: @shaemeshelle

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I dug deep into her IG photos and contemplated reaching out to her for an appointment. She is based out of San Diego, but I wouldn’t mind making the commute. Coincidently enough, she stumbled upon my IG that same day and sent me a DM asking if I was at a cafe in San Diego. She swore she was standing behind me in line and I told her that wasn’t me. Then I told her how I literally just creeped her entire feed and needed to make an appointment to see her! We locked in a date and she rocked my fucking world.

Stay tuned for my next post with full details on how she created the most incredible cut for me. In addition to all the extra goodies she did to my hair. And yes, I had Tim film the whole thing.

hair journey