1st Trimester: Symptoms

I will admit, 1st trimester was not my favorite time. I gathered from my conversations with moms and moms-to-be that the 1st trimester is not a fan favorite for most. When someone would ask how I’m doing/feeling, my response would usually be, “Ughhhhh“. In turn, their response was, “Yup, sounds about right!” Here are my top 5 symptoms during my first few months of pregnancy.
Warning: If pregnancy is a trigger or a sensitive subject for you, please stop reading now. I will continue to share my experiences throughout my Pregnancy Blog Series and encourage you to turn to my other non-pregnancy related posts for your reading pleasure.
1. Morning Sickness
Cue the nausea! Even though I never actually vomited, I was definitely riding the nauseous rollercoaster until week 11. It would come in waves (and different intensities) throughout the day. It should really be called “Any Time Sickness” thanks to these raging hormone levels. Certain smells would be a trigger for me (bacon and bbq to name a couple) and having an empty stomach was not helpful.
My Remedy:
Eating crackers as soon as I woke up in the morning seemed to help. I would keep a few on my nightstand and eat them literally before I even got out of bed to brush my teeth. Sleepy mouth + crackers was gross to me, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Sipping on ginger tea provided some relief. I would boil some hot water with a piece of ginger and drank this when the nausea was bothersome. I also found some all natural ginger candies from the grocery story, that honestly weren’t my favorite but I snacked on them anyways. It wasn’t until my second trimester that I was told about Preggie Pops that apparently work well and actually taste pretty good (from what I’ve heard).
Honestly, sometimes there was absolutely nothing I could do to help any of it. I just tried to get through each queasy wave as it came and told myself “This too shall pass, this too shall pass“. And for me, it finally did around week 11/12.
2. Constipation
Warning: If poop grosses you out, skip this part.
Never in my life have I ever been more constipated than my 1st trimester. I didn’t actually know I was constipated until I visited my Dr. The reason why I thought everything was fine, was because I was still pooping everyday, buuuut they were low-key a struggle. I thought as long as I was pooping everyday, I’m probably not constipated.
My stomach cramps were so incredibly painful, I would curl up in a ball on the floor and just cry. I messaged my Dr. and she performed an ultrasound to make sure everything was okay with the baby. The baby was good, but she panned over to my bowels and said something along the lines of, “Wow! You are severely backed up.”
The changing hormones causes the bowels to function much more slooooowly and food can get back up in the digestive tract. AKA constipation, bloating, gas, and reaaally bad cramps that felt as if someone was tying my insides into a double knot.
My Remedy:
My Dr. recommended 2 different types of laxatives to take until I emptied out. I felt relief within 2 days and even more relief within 7 days of taking the medication. Phewfff!
I drank as much water as I could, tried to increase my fibre intake, stretched and went for daily walks to keep things moving. Because I was so tired all the time, a 30 min walk was all I had energy for (instead of my usual yoga routine).
3. Tired
This one, holy moly. I was constantly napping throughout the day, going to bed early and found it hard to get out of bed most days. I had very little energy to exercise or even shower (I did, don’t worry lol). Your body is building an entire human and their life support (placenta) so of course that would be tiring.
My Remedy:
The only thing I could do was nap. I never fought the tiredness and always rested when my body told me to. I also tried to eat small bites of food to keep my blood sugar from crushing. But I had a love/hate relationship with food during the 1st trimester. Which takes me to my next symptom…
4. Food Aversions/Cravings
I did not have an appetite for much and ended up losing about a pound in the 1st trimester. Here are the things I could eat in small portions:
- nuts (mostly almonds and cashews)
- avocados
- plain toast (sometimes with butter)
- chicken soup/ramen noodles
- apples (and apple juice)
- bananas
- mashed potatoes (sometimes fries)
- (high fibre) cereal with almond milk
I didn’t have many cravings until I got my appetite back closer to the 2nd trimester. My early cravings were:
- McDonalds
- watermelon
- homemade chicken sandwiches (with mustard)
- tater tots
- grapes
5. Tender Breasts/Peeing A LOT
My boobs were definitely feeling sore all day for a few weeks. Bralettes hurt, sleeping hurt, and even taking a shower hurt. There wasn’t much that I could do to ease the discomfort. Except to wait it out until my body adjusted to my new raging hormones. Which it eventually did.
All the pee, OMG! As the uterus starts to grow (right on top of your bladder) and hormones increase blood flow to your kidneys, I spent more time in the bathroom peeing, than not. It was absolutely constant- even throughout the night. Also remember that I was severely increasing my water intake to combat constipation.
Oh, and another symptom that kicked my ass for about 2 weeks straight, HEADACHES. My remedy was Tylenol (Dr. approved) and ice packs. Lots and lots of ice packs.
And also, yeast infections. I got a couple of those within 3 months. My Dr. put me on a 7-day treatment each time to eliminate the infection. So there’s that, too.
I am happy to say that these symptoms disappeared (for me) by the 2nd trimester. If you’re in your 1st trimester and struggling with some or all of these symptoms, keep fighting the good fight!
Are you all caught up on our latest vlogs?
Check out the moment we announced our pregnancy to our family and friends here!
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and seek recommendations/approvals from my doctor for all pregnancy related issues/concerns. If you are pregnant, DO NOT use my approvals as your own. Always consult with your own doctor as every pregnancy is different.
Hi Chia! Such a big fan of you and Tim! ? My fiancé and I are currently TTC and I have been tracking my ovulation with Clearblue as well! We still haven’t conceived yet but it was nice to see another couple using the ovulation tests and doing as much research as you guys because we do the same! So happy for you both, Congrats!!
Thank you for the love- we appreciate you! I love that Clearblue is so easy to follow and read. It’s amazing what the body goes through every cycle to gear up for ovulation. Wishing you and your husband the best on your TTC journey!
This sounds about right! i’m on my 3rd pregnancy & this pregnancy has kicked my ass compare to the other two. I was more sick compare to the other two as i was dealing with HG (hyperemesis gravidarum) which was not fun at all. Thank GOD, this has subside after 17/18th week. Also, my guess based on your earlier cravings is a BOY!
Glad to hear your energy is back and that you are now feeling so much better. Enjoy the rest of it! Such amazing things happening in your body. Congratulations again to you both! Excited to see the rest of your journey.
Stay Safe!!
3rd pregnancy- WOW! Oh gosh, I’ve only heard about HG and I am happy to hear it is easing up for you. Haha, well I guess you have a 50% chance of being right, so I will have to keep you posted on that!
You’re right, the body does amazing things and the process continues to blow me away every single day.
Much love,
Oooh WOW!! I’m just reliving these symptoms with you as you go, as my kids are all grown now 12&15 now.
Gosh a few of these tricks I wish I knew back then. ThankYou for sharing. This will definitely be helpful for all new moms to come. Your blog is very detailed and thorough. Love it! ?
Hi Godivah,
Oh gosh, I’m sure you feel like it was just yesterday your teens were little babies. How fast the time goes! Thank you for checking out Just Peachy and looking forward to share more content with you <3
Omgosh preggie pops we’re my go to and ginger ale. I never threw up either I also had waves of nausea but always had snacks, cheese, crackers, fruits to munch on to keep the nausea at bay. Hoping the 2nd trimester is full of flutter and kicks ! (My fave part of being pregnant).
WOW! I wish I had known about Preggie Pops sooner, I hear they are all the rage. And your 1st trimester diet sounds very similar to mine haha. Looking forward to things easing up during the 2nd trimester <3!
Stay safe out there,
Congratulations to you both!!!!!
I can’t wait for you guys to do the gender reveal if you both choose to share. I just had my second daughter in April! I will not lie and say pregnancy symptoms are always the best feeling, but they do ease up some, and the journey is such a blessing! Time goes by very fast but it will also feel like you’ve been pregnant FOREVER when you’re ready to pop! FYI get a pregnancy pillow ASAP if you haven’t already lol it’s a life changer. We’re so excited to see pictures and updates! Wishing you all the best luck mama to be!
Hi there!
Thank you so much!! The excitement is real =). Congrats on your second child, what a blessing. I actually DON’T have a pregnancy pillow yet, that is next on my list. Can’t wait to continue to share this journey with you!
Lots of love,
You summed it up perfectly. I always tell my friends that ask for my advise about pregnancy (due to me being pregnant with my 3rd child) is that everyone and every pregnancy WILL be different. Congratulations you your little bundle of joy!!!!
Thank you for stopping by Just Peachy and for being so sweet. You’re sooo right- everyones pregnancy is sooo different, yet we can bond on so many things. Congrats to YOU and your 3rd bundle of joy <3!
Much love,
Linnea Olson
I am with you on the nausea! For me, the key was to never be hungry: crackers before getting out of bed were a must, a bagel with avocado and cream cheese for breakfast (I ate this pretty much every day) and healthy, filling snacks available as needed. Glad to hear you are getting the rest you need and Tim is pampering you! Keep up the good work!
Hi Linnea!
Yes, Yes, YES! Everything you just said was exactly me, too! Mmmmm…I love bagels. Thank you for your encouraging words, mama!
Hope you and your family are well.
Hey Chia!

Congrats to you and Tim! So exciting! I can’t wait to see all the content ?. But anyways, I appreciate the disclaimer at the start of the blog. I am TTC and it’s been a struggle, to say the least. Most days I’m perfectly fine with baby announcements and things like that but the day you posted the blog was a harder day for me. I was excited for you but also dealing with my own emotions. I waited a couple days to make sure I allowed myself time and space to work through the emotions and was finally able to read this with a hopeful heart today. Thank you for being sensitive to that
Thank you for stopping by Just Peachy and I am sorry to hear about your struggles. I know that pregnancy can be very sensitive subject and wanted to do my part to show that. I am so glad you came back to the blog post when you were ready.
I am sending you positive vibes and wishing you nothing but the best.
I’ve been watching you & time for years now. And I have always loved you! Glad to see you’re posting blogs about your pregnancy. I’m so excited to watch you guys go through this journey, and I appreciate you sharing how it’s been going for you. Can’t wait for future posts!!
Appreciate you Laura!
Hi Chia ,
I re watching your pregnancy vlogs because im 6 weeks right now ! Im so grateful you mention you had yeast infections frequently while pregnant it makes me feel better ! Right now my doctor has my on a gel and my dr says its safe but im so nervous about the gel medication and me being 6 weeks only !!
Those damn yeast infections. I basically had a yeast infection every month during my entire pregnancy and they magically disappeared after I gave birth. You should definitely consult with your doctor about your hesitation. I’m sure they can offer their expertise and reassurance =)
Thanks for stopping by Just Peachy!
Hi Chia! I have been a huge fan of you and Tim since FOREVER! I am rewatching all of your TTC videos, as my husband and I are also trying for the first time since getting married! Because of your vlogs, I have been influenced and have bought the Amazon (EasyMom) ovulation tests and Clearblue ovulation tests too, hahaha! I was hoping, if you can remember, how often you tested with the Amazon tests. Was it first thing in the morning too with the Clearblue test or later in the day, like the instructions explained? Any advice would be amazing and I appreciate you for doing so!
Ahhh- thank you for all the love and support =)! YES! I did the Easy Mom + Clearblue at the same time every morning. Clearly I didn’t listen to the instructions..oops. It was interesting to see the difference between the two tests. Clearblue detected my surge faster than the Easy Moms strips. I definitely plan on doing a video about this soon!
And as always, please note I am no way saying this is a sure way to get pregnant. Of course every journey is different <3!
Much love,