Just Peachy’s Birthday GIVEAWAY!

Alright, alright. I’ve teased you long enough on Instagram about my exciting news. No, I’m not pregnant, or engaged, or moving to LA (yet). On January 1, 2016 I birthed my sweet baby, Just Peachy. I’ve had some incredible help getting this blog off the ground and I owe it all to my Just Peachy team. I couldn’t have done it without them (you know who you are!).
A lot of people may think blogging is just writing some stuff and taking selfies, but it’s much more than that. I’ve spent numerous hours over the past year learning how to use WordPress, creating content, taking photos, editing images, answering e-mails, and building relationships with amazing brands.
To celebrate Just Peachy’s 1st birthday, I’ve teamed up with some of these amazing brands to create a special giveaway!! Even though Just Peachy’s birthday isn’t until January 1, I couldn’t wait to share this with you! Do you want to know how you can enter to win? Keep reading. I will choose one lucky winner to receive my Just Peachy package which includes:
- Just Peachy Pouch– My incredibly talented friend, [Me+You] Handmades, created a custom pouch to keep your prized possessions safe. I am obsessed with pouches and I’m particularly obsessed with this one.
- Just Peachy “Peachy Blossom” Candle– [Me+You] Handmades created a custom (delicious) peach scented candle for you to enjoy. Amazing, right? There is nothing my girl can’t do!
- Zo Medical Smart Tone SPF 50 Sunscreen– I am crazy about skin care, and I’m particularly drawn to Zo Medical. You can catch me weaving their products in and out of my posts. Great skin starts from within and that means protecting it from the harmful rays of the sun. Read more about this (amazing) product here.
- Bearfruit Streamline Bracelet– I stumbled upon Bearfruit Jewelry and was immediately drawn to their feminine, dainty, and delicate signs. The Streamline Bracelet is my favorite piece and you need it, like now.
- Bralette Babe Promo Card– Bralette Babe is an adorable company that ships monthly bralettes. All you have to do is join Bralette Babe, choose your style (neutrals for me!), and await your package. Bralette Babe has offered to give my lucky winner two bralettes for their first package =)! The best part? Bralette Babe supports woman empowerment and self-confidence. I love that! Get a head start on your selection here.
- There are a few more goodies included in the pouches, but I’m keeping those a secret.
The truth is, I’ve gotten an over whelming amount of love and support from my readers and I love each and every one of you! This giveaway is a more than just a giveaway. It’s a thank you for being the best audience I could have ever asked for. Now hurry up and enter for your chance to win my very first giveaway!
How to Enter
- Each social action counts as 1 entry.
- You must follow all 5 Instagram accounts to be eligible to win. @chia_habte, @zoskinhealth, @bearfruitjewelry, @bralettebabe, and @meandyouhandmades.
- Each additional action will add to your total.
- Complete 8/8 social actions for optimal chances of winning.
- 1 winner will be selected at random using Viral Sweep on January 6, 2017.
- Good luck!!
Enter below!
Hi Chia!
Congrats on making a year on your blog! I’ve been following your blog for a year now and I love reading all your posts (esp. on the Beauty and Fashion) Looking forward to another year of JustPeachy.com! Also, I wanted to say best wishes for you in the new year! PS wish I could enter your awesome giveaway, but I don’t have any social media accounts!
I just want to congratulate on your first year of blogging! That is truly amazing, and the experience must be rewarding. Wishing you the best!! (and many more to come)

It’s been a year (almost) !! Happy New Year to you and yours! ???
Happy early birthday Just Peachy. I wish I could enter, don’t have social media I felt like I was being consumed by it so I deleted everything. good luck to those who entered. Let’s celebrate.
Happy Birthday Just Peachy! ?
It’s very indicative of your personality and philosophy to promote others in your celebration. I look forward to learning about the other companies and hopefully my bank account can tolerate it
Keep up the amazing work Chia!
Awww you are the best Shanna! See you soon!
Congrats on the 1 year! Just wondering is this only for those living in Canada and US or international? Thanks
Amber Chandathany
Done!!!! All have been completed, I follow your hubby cause he’s hilarious and I love to see what you do also! Congrats on your year! (Fingers crossed? I’m a winner) ????
Congrats on having this blog for one year! I have hopes on starting one in the near future! I really look forward to when you post on this blog, you have really upped my fashion game throughout this year!
Autumn logan
What if we don’t have a Twitter?
Divena Cabigting
happy birthday to just peachy! so proud of what you’ve accomplished in one year! :,) love ya
Happy bday just peachy! Chia i fell in love with you since tim started to show you off i was like dayummm who dis cute half salvadoran thanggg ?? and everything you post on here is so helpful to me whether its for tips or just to have a laugh! Thank you so much for starting this! I come here everyday i send alot of love and good vibes for the near future
Done babe ?
Jordan Matau
How exciting! I love your blog and its been such an inspiration to me since the beginning! Thank you Chia and justpeachy team! Cheers to 1year and many more!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Excited for this! Just peachy is such a cute name! I liked and shared on FB but it doesnt have a check mark, hopefully i am still entered to win!! Goodluck to all
Angelica Garza
I love everything you do girl!!!! I first fell in love with you because of your love for nails as do. Then came all the skin care tips and tricks, and your just all around amazing creating this blog was is so perfect in every way I can’t get enough KEEP IT UP!!!!
Ahhh, you are making me blush! Thanks for your message Angelica! I am on it!
Madelyne S
Ready to be part of your first of many! Love what you have accomplished!
I cannot thank you enough <3!
Bethany Bennett
Happy Birthday Just Peachy!
Thank you!